5 mindset shifts you need to make to become the CEO of your side hustle

Nov 10, 2021 | Marketing General

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Let’s talk about why it’s important for you to step into being the CEO of your business. 

I know this might sound tough… but you know you’ll always get real talk from me! I am not about that fluff!

You won’t grow if you keep treating your business like a side hustle. 😬

If you are putting side hustle energy into your business, then that is where it will stay. 

There’s something so magnetic when you change your mindset to turn your side hustle into your main thing. That flip of the mindset actually changes the game with how you treat your business, with how you step into your business each day, with how you show up energetically each day. Your dream customers pick up on that energy and it also creates room and space in your life for your business to grow. If you don’t create the room and space in your life for your business to grow, it won’t grow and you’ll keep making inconsistent income. 

Stepping into the CEO of your business creates more time in your schedule, it brings more energy to your brand, it makes showing up on social media so much easier, it brings so much more clarity to what you’re doing. It’s also makes you more money. You are able to create a strategy to hit the income goals that you desire, and that you dream of, and know exactly the steps you need to take to achieve them.

Here are five mindset shifts for you, as you’re going from the level of inconsistent income to consistent income in your business as the CEO queen that you are.

1. Clarity

The first shift you need to make is letting go of confusion and stepping into clarity. 

Often a big thing that holds us back in our business is that we actually don’t know what the dream is. So we haven’t really taken the time to sit down and work out where we want to go, what would my dream life look like? If I could plan it out however I wanted, what would that look like? 

We can go into our business thinking the dream is to have a successful business and make money. But the problem is, if that’s the sort of energy we’ve put into planning out the dream, what that means is we often end up taking the steps to create a dream life that looks like someone else’s dream life. 

Just because someone else’s dream life is to live in a mega mansion and drive a fancy car and be making $100K a month, while working 17 hours a day to do that, doesn’t necessarily mean that that’s what your dream life might look like. That might not be what’s important to you. You might love working with clients and want a business where you’re working with people all the time and coaching and mentoring people, or you might hate working with people, that might be the worst case for you, you might want a business where you have to work with people as little as possible. Your dream business might look like time, freedom and flexibility and being able to drop your kids at school in the morning and not have to work until 10am. Then be able to take long lunches, go for long walks on the beach. It might look like being able to have the afternoon to read. It might be being able to provide financially for loved ones in your life. To not be stressed about money and be able to help someone who needs help.

Ask yourself, what does a day in my dream life look like? 

What does it feel like energetically? 

You want to create a life that you love living every day. 

So take the time to actually know what the dream is, because that will really help you to then craft the strategy and create the action plan to get there in your business. 

Because then you can say no to the things that don’t help you get closer to your dream life. 

2. Commitment

This mindset shift that you need to make is all around commitment. Do you change direction too often? 

I see this with business owners when they’re first starting out, they get so caught up in chasing that next idea, or they get bored easily and so they don’t put any energy into actually scaling anything. They start a lot of new things, like freebie opt-ins, content, change their programs or services around, always changing their website, always rebranding, etc. 

That is where stepping into the CEO role is so important. Taking the time to work out exactly who it is you want to serve, how you can serve them best and then putting all of your energy into scaling that part of your business rather than just drifting from thing to thing and not ever committing. 

You need to go from changing direction all the time to committing.

3. Comparison

Comparison really keeps us stuck where we are doesn’t it?!

I honestly believe that you actually will never grow a successful brand if you’re just trying to be like everyone else. If you’re stuck in that ‘comparisonitis’ where you’re looking at what everyone else is doing, trying to copy them and you haven’t yet learnt how to trust your gut. You’re flip-flopping based on what you see other people doing and just feeling mega self-doubt for everything you are creating. Which can actually lead to this point where you end up creating nothing. You actually don’t move forward and you do nothing because you feel so much self-doubt and comparison from looking at what everyone else is doing. 

It’s time to work out what your magic is, what makes you different, what makes you incredible and focus on growing a business and building a brand that really owns those things. 

Ps. generally, your magic is found in the thing you’ve spent most of your life running away from. 😉

4. Consolidation

The next mindset shift I want to share with you is about consolidation. 

Consolidation is all about building out the foundation about consolidating everything that you’re doing. 

We want to create a really strong foundation to create a sustainable business that you can work in for the long term. So often what I see when business owners are treating their business like your side hobby and you’re not quite confident to go all in, is that you might be posting consistently on social media, sending out marketing emails, have a service that you’re promoting, but you haven’t consolidated the foundation on which you’re working from. This is a really important step that you need to work through, which does take time and energy, but it literally changes the game.

This is what we do in my Mastermind. We build out the foundation of your business so that you can consolidate all of the activities that you are doing. We work out exactly who your dream customer is, diving deep into knowing what their journey is and how that aligns to your service stack. We look at how you’re building out your business services, how they all work together, the flow and how that aligns with your dream customer journey. We look at your service transformations and then we dive in deep to defining your content strategy. We also look at your content pillars in a way that really aligns with the sales funnel, and then look at how you actually sell and how you can show up and sell with confidence. 

That’s actually such an important step that so many people miss out, is they don’t actually plan out their sales strategy, hence why they don’t sell. All of these things all make up a really strong business foundation that takes you from inconsistent income to consistent income in your business. This is what creates that sustainability long-term for your business.

Click here to learn more about my Mastermind

5. Chill

The fifth mindset shift that you need to make is to chill, to find ease within your business, to stop overthinking it all, to trust the journey and trust the process. 

Honestly, business should be fun and full of life. It should bring you joy. It shouldn’t be this painful, hard, difficult process. I think we come into business thinking that it should be hard and difficult. We should have to be working 17 hours a day and it should be taking up all our time and a real stretch and drain. But that’s actually not how it has to be at all. 

That’s why the last mindset shift that I want to talk to you about is about just finding that ease in your business. Trust yourself, trust that you know what you’re doing, you know what you’re talking about. And you know how to make the best decisions for your business, for your customers, for your future. You know how to run your services, or how to do your training, whatever it is that you offer in your business- you know that inside out. Trust the journey and just let it flow out of you. 

It’s when we get caught up on how many times we should be posting, how often we should be showing up on stories, how many blogs, how many marketing emails we should be sending out every month. So let’s take it back to basics. Why did you start doing this in the first place? Share out of that freedom. Who is it you want to help? Focus on how you can create amazing service that’s best going to help your dream customer and show up and serve them amazingly!

Do you, the best you can do. 

So there we have it! Five mindset shifts that you want to move into as you are stepping into the CEO role in your business. 

It’s time to become the CEO of your side hustle. To take your side hustle to being your main thing. To go from not making any money, to making consistent income in your business. 

Those are the five things that I find get most people stuck at that first stage in their business. And if you can start working through those things, it will make a world of difference to how you show up in your business and also how you’re able to serve your dream customer. 

I want to encourage you to just focus on one thing at a time and moving through that mindset and watch how much freedom and ease comes into your business. 

Watch how the way you serve changes. 

This is how you go to the next level in your business. 

Ams 🌻